We enable, advise and guide clients who want to create
bespoke, momentum-building gatherings

We do this by resisting the tendency to focus on execution. 
Instead, we help our clients take a step back so they can be more intentional about their events strategy and design.

Our work is tailored to the specific opportunities
and challenges your team want to tackle:

Event Strategy

We often bring people together in service of something bigger than the event itself, so it’s a good idea to have conversations about the big-picture first

The question we must explore and align on first is what’s the purpose of our experience …but getting everyone to agree can be messy

…so our job is to help stakeholders share how they imagine the experience, so we could align on a shared vision - ahead of time!

All gatherings have parts that must be done in specific ways, and others that offer opportunities to try something new …but navigating which part is which requires clarity and collaboration

…so our job is to help sort through what everyone thinks the event must, could, should, or will not include

Gatherings can create unique opportunities for partners and life-changing moments for participants …but getting everyone excited about a future experience requires a thoughtful strategy

…so our job is to help create compelling partnership opportunities and effective ways to drive ticket registrations

Event success is a moving target that’s difficult to define and measure …but we can’t improve or show the real value of what we can’t effectively track

…so our job is to help articulate a set of key performance indicators, discuss goals for each and decide on effective ways to quantify and leverage progress

The experience starts as soon as the first piece of information is shared…but coming up with the right language, cadence, and channels requires us to think many steps ahead

…so our job is to help drive event success by determining when, how, and what should be communicated to attendees, sponsors, employees, partners, and other relevant stakeholders

Experience Design

When we can effectively imagine the experience, we can make design choices that help participants be successful, engaged and inspired

The pandemic changed how we design in-person and virtual experiences …but figuring out which parts of the experience should be in-person/remote or live/on-demand requires considering multiple, and sometimes contradictory, factors

…so our job is to help review objectives, timelines, budgets and capabilities and recommend where on the “Hybrid Event spectrum” an upcoming gathering should be

Our surroundings have an enormous impact on our psychological and physical comfort …but rarely do we put the time to truly consider all the nuances that make an experience stands out

…so our job is to collaborate with any internal or external resources to help brainstorm ideas on how to leverage layout, décor, lighting, AV and any visual element in order to set a deliberate atmosphere

Technology is a significant enabler for any experience…but there are so many solutions out there that it can be overwhelming

…so our job is to leverage our rich knowledge and experience with many of the most current and emerging tech trends to help determine the optimal tech-stack for any type of experience

Trade-offs and compromises are an expected and often difficult part of any planning process …but it’s not always clear what impact each decision will have on desired outcomes

…so our job is to continuously help make informed decisions on what to compromise on and when in order to effectively manage the gap between the vision and the expected reality

The stakes are so high that trusting intuition to manage the budget rarely leads to optimal results …but the more complicated and far away an experience is, the harder it is to navigate its budget

…so our job is to dive into the numbers and help establish a baseline, a set of scenarios and fallback points to help effectively manage all financial aspects of the experience

Program Development

Effective programs anticipate the complex mental and emotional states participants go through and create ways for them to follow, learn and connect

There are an infinite number of ways to design an agenda …but having great speakers and interesting topics is rarely enough to make an impactful program

…so our job is to help thread anticipation, participation and reflection into one meaningful journey with a clear structure that's easy to follow

The content of the experience is the core element on which everything else is built around …but there’s an art and science to selecting topics and speakers that drive both actions and aha moments

…so our job involves tapping our networks to help identify, brief, and support subject matter experts, facilitators, hosts, and other internal or external presenters who share the stage

What happens after the event is often more important than the event itself …but many successful events that generate enthusiasm often fail to offer a clear call to action

…so our job is to help think a few steps ahead and find creative ways to turn a briefly captivated audience into an ongoing and engaged community of action

The way the content is shared and discussed ultimately determines how well the program lands and drives outcomes …but putting sponsors on stage and internal leaders on panels can be a recipe for an uninspiring program

…so our job is to step into your audience's shoes and help see every aspect the program through their eyes in order to create a more human-centric program design

Gatherings offer unique opportunities for leaders to generate momentum towards shared goals …but getting internal leaders involved can go side-ways if they are not set up for success

…so our job is to suggest ways for senior leaders to drive their agenda and empower the participants to cascade the learnings across teams, colleagues, partners and clients

Group Interaction Strategy

Creating the right amount of structure to enable groups to take off means striking a delicate balance between interacting and interrupting

Enabling participants to meaningfully connect leaves a lasting impact long after the event is over …but if it feels forced or too unstructured the barriers might be too high for people to seek connection

…so our job is to look carefully at the program and the setting and suggest creative ideas to foster connection and a sense of togetherness

Engaged audience leans in to the experience and can transform the energy in the room …but getting a group of people to give up some of their time and spend it in a particular way is a big ask

…so our job is to help identify how to mix interactivity and content delivery to maximize participation

If people don’t really pay attention, most of the value of the experience disappears …but event ROI and other common KPIs rarely indicate how much attention people invested and the value they gained

…so our job is to help you deploy subtle and clever behavioural nudges in specific program moments to grab your participants' focus when it matters most

The Run-of-Show (ROS) is the master plan that brings all aspects of your experience together …but building this mission-critical document requires experience and thoughtfulness

…so our job is to recommend an optimal sequence of learning/interaction modalities, breaks, and other program elements to make sure everything is programmed for success