Consider us an extension of your team or production agency

Together we discuss, debate and collaborate on the strategy and
design details that turn ordinary gatherings into meaningful experiences  

We believe our work is important
…and we approach it in a particular way

We Turn Attendees to Participants

Attendees are passive, which means they are often distracted and are half-listening (or not at all). Participants are actively part of the conversation, which means they are leaning in and investing their undivided attention 

Our work involves designing invisible structures that create a sense of togetherness and encourages discovery

Future of Food Experience

Gatherings rarely drive impact when they feel like a repeat experience, but incorporating new ideas risks getting resistance from stakeholders or having your participants disengaged or confused. 

Our work involves getting your team, your stakeholders and your audience uncomfortable but in a way that feels good and drives impact.  

We balance Inspiration with Action

We get “Positively Uncomfortable”

Presentations pack large amounts of information but can sometimes feel like lectures that are hard to follow. TED talks are story driven and can be really inspiring, but that inspiration often dilutes shortly after -  leaving the audience with vague next steps. 

Our work involves designing programs and curating content that creates both excitement and results